Publications of students and staff
Petr Blažek
Number of records: 19
Těšitel, J., Chytrý, K., Vašíček, M., Blažek, P., Galvánek, D., Fajmon, K., Holá, E., Horník, J., Jiráská, Š., Machač, O., Mládek, J., Mudrák, O., Řehounková, K., Těšitelová, T., Turisová, I., Malenovský, I. 2025. Hemiparasitic plants facilitate ecological restoration of encroached European grasslands. Journal of Environmental Management 374: 124120.
Souto-Vilarós, D., Basset, Y., Blažek, P., Laird-Hopkins, B., Segar, S. T., Navarro-Valencia, E., Zamora, A. C., Campusano, Y., Čtvrtečka, R., Savage, A. F., Pere,z F., Lopez, Y., Bobadilla, R., Ramírez Silva, J. A., & Lamarre, G. P. A. 2024. Illuminating arthropod diversity in a tropical forest: Assessing biodiversity by automatic light trapping and DNA metabarcoding. Environmental DNA 6: e540.
Lisner, A., Segrestin, J., Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Janíková, E., Applová, M., Švancárová, T., & Lepš, J. 2024. Why are plant communities stable? Disentangling the role of dominance, asynchrony and averaging effect following realistic species loss scenario. Journal of Ecology.
Janíková, E., Konečná, M., Lisner, A.,Applová, M., Blažek, P., E-Vojtkó, A., Götzenberger, L., & Lepš,J. 2024. Closely related species differ in their traits, but competition induces high intra-specific variability. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70254.
Basset, Y., Blažek, P., Souto-Vilarós, D., Vargas, G., Ramírez Silva, J. A., Barrios, H., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Lopez, Y., Čtvrtečka, R., Šípek, P., Solís, A., Segar, S. T., Lamarre, G. P. A. 2023. Towards a functional classification of poorly known tropical insects: The case of rhinoceros beetles (Coleoptera, Dynastinae) in Panama. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 147–163.
Lisner, A., Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Lepš, J. 2023. Community biomass is driven by dominants and their characteristics–The insight from a field biodiversity experiment with realistic species loss scenario. Journal of Ecology, 111(1), 240-250.
Titěra, J., Pavlů, L., Pavlů, V., Blažek, P. 2023. What is a suitable management for Typha latifolia control in wet meadows? Applied Vegetation Science 26: e12740.
Konečná, M., Lisner, A., Blažek, P., Pech, P., Lepš, J. 2023. Evaluation of seed-dispersal services by ants at a temperate pasture: Results of direct observations in an ant suppression experiment. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10569.
Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Fibich, P., Lisner, A., Pech, P., Lepš, J. 2021. Anthills as habitat islands in a sea of temperate pasture. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 1081–1099.
Chytrý, M., Danihelka, J., Kaplan, Z., Wild, J., Holubová, D., Novotný, P., Řezníčková, M., Rohn, M., Dřevojan, P., Grulich, V., Klimešová, J., Lepš, J., Lososová, Z., Pergl, J., Sádlo, J., Smarda, P., Štěpánková, P., Tichý, L., Axmanová, I., Bartušková, A., Blažek, P., Chrtek, J., Fischer, FM., Wenyong, G., Herben, T., Janovský, Z., Konečná, M., Kühn, I., Moravcová, L., Petřík, P., Pierce, S., Prach, K., Prokešová, H., Štech, M., Těšitel, J., Těšitelová, T., Večeřa, M., Zelený, D., Pyšek, P. 2021. Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation. Preslia 93: 1–87.
Kassahun, T., Pavlů, K., Pavlů, V., Pavlů, L., Blažek, P. 2021. Effect of 15-year sward management on vertical distribution of plant functional groups in a semi-natural perennial grassland of Central Europe. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12568.
Kassahun, T., Pavlů, K., Pavlů, V., Pavlů, L., Novak, J., Blažek, P. 2021. Restoration management of cattle resting place in mountain grassland. PLoS ONE 16: e0249445.
Pavlů, K., Kassahun, T., Pavlů, V., Pavlů, L., Blažek, P., Homolka, P. 2021. The effects of first defoliation and previous management intensity on forage quality of a semi-natural species-rich grassland. PLoS ONE 16: e0248804.
Galland, T., Adeux, G., Dvořáková, H., E-Vojtkó, A., Orbán, I., Lussu, M., Puy, J., Blažek, P., Lanta, V., Lepš, J., de Bello, F., Pérez Carmona, C., Valencia, E., Götzenberger, L. 2019. Colonization resistance and establishment success along gradients of functional and phylogenetic diversity in experimental plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 107 (5): 2090-2104.
Těšitel, J., Mládek, J., Fajmon, K., Blažek, P., Mudrák, O. 2018. Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in a grassland biodiversity hotspot: hemiparasitic Rhinanthus major does better job than increased mowing intensity. Applied Vegetation Science 21: 104–112.
Blažek, P., Lepš, J., Fajmon, K., Těšitel, J. 2016. Response of two hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae species to mowing dates: implications for grassland conservation and restoration practice. Plant Ecology and Evolution 149: 31–38.
Světlíková P., Blažek P., Mühlsteinová R., Těšitel J. 2016. Tracing nitrogen flow in a root-hemiparasitic association by foliar stable-isotope labelling. Plant Ecology and Evolution 149: 39–44
Blažek, P., Lepš, J. 2015. Victims of agricultural intensification: Mowing date affects Rhinanthus spp. regeneration and fruit ripening. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 211: 10-16.
Mudrák, O., Mládek, J., Blažek, P., Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Nekvapilová, E., & Těšitel, J. 2014. Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 274–287.