Publications of students and staff
Francesco de Bello
Number of records: 126
Sperandii, M. G., Bazzichetto, M., Götzenberger, L., Moretti, M. , Achury, R., Blüthgen, N. , Fischer, M., Hölzel, N., Klaus, V. H., Kleinebecker, T. Neff, F., Prati, D., Bolliger, R., Seibold, S., Simons, N. K., Staab, M., Weisser, W. W., de Bello, F., Gossner M. M. 2025. "Functional traits mediate the effect of land use on drivers of community stability within and across trophic levels." Science Advances 11(4): eadp6445.
Segrestin, J., Götzenberger, L., Valencia, E., de Bello, F., Lepš, J 2024. A unified framework for partitioning the drivers of stability of ecological communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, e13828.
Bazzichetto, M., Sperandii, M.G., Penone, C., Keil, P., Allan, E., Lepš, J., Prati, D., Fischer, M., Bolliger, R., Gossner, M. and de Bello, F., 2024. Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought. Journal of Ecology
Knollová, I., Chytrý, M., Bruelheide, H., ... de Bello, F., .. Dolezal, J., ... Lepš, J., ... Mudrák, O... Prach, K., .. Šmilauer, P., Šmilauerová M. .... 2024. ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. - Journal of Vegetation Science,
Lepš, J. & de Bello, F. 2023. Differences in trait–environment relationships: Implications for community weighted means tests. Journal of Ecology, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14172
Valencia, Enrique; de Bello, Francesco; Galland, Thomas; Götzenberger, Lars; Lepš, Jan; Durán Jorge; Carmona, Carlos P. 2022. Effects of functional and phylogenetic diversity on the temporal dynamics of soil N availability. Plant and Soil,
Sperandii, M. G., De Bello, F., Valencia, E., Götzenberger, L., Bazzichetto, M., Galland, T., ... & Lepš, J. 2022. LOTVS: a global collection of permanent vegetation plots. Journal of Vegetation Science
Valencia, E., Galland, T., Carmona, C. P., Goberna, M., Götzenberger, L., Lepš, J., ... & de Bello, F. 2022. The functional structure of plant communities drives soil functioning via changes in soil abiotic properties. Ecology, e3833.
Puy J., de Bello F., Dvořáková H., Medina N.G., Latzel V., Carmona C.P. 2021. Competition‐induced transgenerational plasticity influences competitive interactions and leaf decomposition of offspring. New Phytologist.
Tammaru, K., Košnar, J., Abbas, A.F., Barta, K.A., de Bello, F., Harrison, S., Degli, E.I., Kiss, R., Lukács, K., Neumann, S.M., Wagia, H., Puy, J., Lepš, J. 2021. Ecological differentiation of Carex species coexisting in a wet meadow: Comparison of pot and field experiments. Acta Oecologia, 110: 103692.
de Bello, F., Lavorel, S., Hallett, L.M., Valencia, E, Garnier, E., Roscher, C., Conti, L., Galland, T., Goberna, M., Májeková, M. Montesinos-Navarro, A., Pausas, J. G., Verdú, M., E-Vojtkó, A., Götzenberger, L., Lepš, J. 2021. Functional trait effects on ecosystem stability: assembling the jigsaw puzzle. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Majekova M., Hajek T., Albert A.J., de Bello F., Dolezal J., Gotzenberger L., Janecek S., Leps J., Liancourt P., Mudrak O. 2021. Weak coordination between leaf drought tolerance and proxy traits in herbaceous plants. Functional Ecology 35 (6), 1299-1311.
Puy J., Carmona C.P., Dvořáková H., Latzel V., de Bello F. 2020. Diversity of parental environments increases phenotypic variation in Arabidopsis populations more than genetic diversity but similarly affects productivity. Annals of Botany, , mcaa100.
Valencia, E., de Bello, F., Lepš, J., Galland, T., E‐Vojtkó, A., Conti, L., ... & García‐González, R. 2020. Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year‐to‐year asynchrony. Journal of Vegetation Science. 31:792-802/
Valencia E, de Bello F, Galland T, Adler PB, Lepš J, Anna E-Vojtko, ...Goetzenberger L. 2020. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Sep 9.
Hiiesalu, I., Klimešová, J., Doležal, J., Mudrák, O., Götzenberger, L., Horník, J., de Bello, F. 2020. Hidden belowground plant diversity buffers against species loss during land-use change in species-rich grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science (in press)
de Bello, F., Botta‐Dukat, Z., Lepš j., Fibich, P. 2020. Towards a more balanced combination of multiple traits when computing functional differences between species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, accepted
Valencia, E., de Bello, F., Galland, T., Adler, P.B., Lepš, J., E-Vojtko, A., van Klink, R., Carmona, C.P., Danihelka, J., Dengler, J., Eldridge, D.J., Estiarte, M., Garcia-Gonzalez, R., Garnier, E., Gomez-Garcia, D., Harrison, S.P., Herben, T., Ibanez, R., Jentsch, A., Juergens, N., Kertesz, M., Klumpp, K., Louault, F., Marrs, R.H., Ogaya, R., Onodi, G., Pakeman, R.J., Pardo, I., Partel, M., Peco, B., Penuelas, J., Pywell, R.F., Rueda, M., Schmidt, W., Schmiedel, U., Schuetz, M., Skálová, H., Šmilauer, P., Šmilauerová, M., Smit, C., Song, M.H., Stock, M., Val, J., Vandvik, V., Ward,D., Wesche, K., Wiser, S.K., Woodcock, B., Young, T.P., Yu, F.H., Zobel, M., Götzenberger, L. 2020. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117, 39: 24345-24351 DI 10.1073/pnas.1920405117
Valencia,E., de Bello, F., Lepš, J., Galland, T.,Vojtko, A., Conti, L., Danihelka, J., Dengler, J., Eldridge, D.J., Estiarte, M., Garcia-Gonzalez, R., Garnier, E., Gomez, D., Harrison, S., Herben, T., Ibanez, R., Jentsch, A., Juergens, N., Kertesz, M., Klumpp, K., Louault, F., Marrs, R.H., Onodi, G., Pakeman, R.J., Partel, M., Peco, B., Penuelas, J., Rueda, M., Schmidt, W., Schmiedel, U., Schuetz, M., Skálová, H., Šmilauer, P., Šmilauerová, M., Smit, Song, M.H., Stock, M., Val, J., Vandvik, V., Wesche, K., Woodcock, B.A., Young T.P., Yu, F.H., Zobel, M.,Götzenberger, L. 2020. Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year-to-year asynchrony JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 31, 5: 792 - 802, DI 10.1111/jvs.12916
Brown, J.B., Mennicken, S., Massante, J.C., Dijoux, S., Telea, A., Benedek, A.M., Götzenberger, L., Májeková, M. Lepš, J., Šmilauer, P., Hrček, J., de Bello, F. 2019. A novel method to predict dark diversity using unconstrained ordination analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science,
van Klink, R., Lepš, J., Vermeulen, R., de Bello, F. 2019. Functional differences stabilize beetle communities by weakening interspecific temporal synchrony. Ecology
Lepš, J., Götzenberger, L., Valencia E. and de Bello, F. 2019. Accounting for long-term directional trends on year-to-year synchrony in species fluctuations. Ecography, 42: on line early
Galland, T., Adeux, G., Dvořáková, H., E-Vojtkó, A., Orbán, I., Lussu, M., Puy, J., Blažek, P., Lanta, V., Lepš, J., de Bello, F., Pérez Carmona, C., Valencia, E., Götzenberger, L. 2019. Colonization resistance and establishment success along gradients of functional and phylogenetic diversity in experimental plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 107 (5): 2090-2104.
Carmona,CP, de Bello, F., Mason, NWH, Lepš, J. 2019. Trait Probability Density (TPD): measuring functional diversity across scales based on trait probability density with R. Ecology,
Klimešová, J., Martínková, J., Pausas, JG., de Moraes, MG., Herben, T., Y u, FH., Puntieri, J., Vesk, PA., de Bello, F., Janeček, S., Altman, J., Appezzato-da-Glória, B., Bartušková, A., Crivellaro, A., Doležal, J., Ott, JP., Paula, S., Schnablová, R., Schweingruber, FH., Ottaviani G. 2019. Handbook of standardized protocols for collecting plant modularity traits. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125485
Lepš J., Majeková M., Vítová A., Doležal J. & de Bello F. 2018. Stabilizing effects in temporal fluctuations: management, traits and species richness in high-diversity communities. Ecology, 99: 360-371.
Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Liancourt, P., de Bello, F., Altman, J., Brozova, V., Chlumska, Z., Dvorsky, M., Capkova, K., Kopecky, M., Rehakova, K., Riha, P., Lepš, J., Dolezal, J. 2018. A multi-scale approach reveals random phylogenetic patterns at the edge of vascular plant life. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 30: 22-30
Puy J., Dvořáková H., Carmona C.P., de Bello F., Hiiesalu I., Latzel V. 2018. Improved demethylation in ecological epigenetic experiments: Testing a simple and harmless foliar demethylation application. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 744–753.
Bagousse‐Pinguet, L., Gross, N., Maestre, F. T., Maire, V., de Bello, F., Fonseca, C. R., Kattge, J., Valencia, E., Leps, J. & Liancourt, P. 2017. Testing the environmental filtering concept in global drylands. Journal of Ecology.
Janečková P., Janeček Š., Klimešová J., Götzenberger L., Horník J., Lepš J., de Bello F. 2017. The plant functional traits that explain species occurrence across fragmented grasslands differ according to patch management, isolation, and wetness. Landscape Ecology 32: 791–805.
Conti, L., de Bello, F., Lepš, J., Acosta, A. T. R., & Carboni, M. 2017. Environmental gradients and micro‐heterogeneity shape fine scale plant community assembly on coastal dunes. Journal of Vegetation Science.
Moretti, M., Dias, A. T. C., de Bello, F., Altermatt, F., Chown, S. L., Azcarate, F. M., Bell, J. R., Fournier, B., Hedde, M., Hortal, J., Ibanez, S., Ockinger, E., Sousa, J. P., Ellers, J., Berg, M. P. 2017. Handbook of protocols for standardized measurement of terrestrial invertebrate functional traits. Functional Ecology 31: 558–567.
Giarrizzo, E., Burrascano, S., Chiti, T., de Bello, F., Leps, J., Zavattero, L., Blasi, C. 2017. Re-visiting historical semi-natural grasslands in the Apennines to assess patterns of changes in species composition and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 20: 247–258.
Saar, L., de Bello, F., Pärtel, M., Helm, A. 2017. Trait assembly in grasslands depends on habitat history and spatial scale. Oecologia 184: 1–12.
Hevia, V., Martín-López, B., Palomo, S., García-Llorente, M., de Bello, F., González, J. A. 2017. Trait-based approaches to analyze links between the drivers of change and ecosystem services: Synthesizing existing evidence and future challenges. Ecology and Evolution 7: 831–844.
Price, J., Tamme, R., Gazol, A., de Bello, F., Takkis, K., Uria-Diez, J., Kasari, L., Partel, M. 2017. Within-community environmental variability drives trait variability in species-rich grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 303–312.
Májeková, M., Janeček, S., Mudrák, O., Horník, J., Janečková, P., Bartoš, M., Fajmon, K., Jiráská, S., Götzenberger, L., Šmilauer, P., Lepš, J., de Bello, F. 2016. Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land‐use changes across productivity and soil moisture gradients. Applied Vegetation Science, on line early
Volf, M., Redmond, C., Albert, Á. J., Le Bagousse‐Pinguet, Y., Biella, P., Götzenberger, L., Hrázský Z., Janecek S., Klimešová J., Lepš J., Šebelíková L., Vlasatá T., de Bello F. 2016. Effects of long-and short-term management on the functional structure of meadows through species turnover and intraspecific trait variability. Oecologia 180: 941–950.
de Bello, F., Carmona, C. P., Lepš, J., Szava-Kovats, R., & Pärtel, M. 2016. Functional diversity through the mean trait dissimilarity: resolving shortcomings with existing paradigms and algorithms. Oecologia 180: 933–940.
Májeková, M., Paal, T., Plowman, N. S., Bryndová, M., Kasari, L., Norberg, A., Weiss, M., Bishop, T.R., Luke, S.H., Sam, K., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Lepš, J., Götzenberger, L., de Bello F. 2016. Evaluating Functional Diversity: Missing Trait Data and the Importance of Species Abundance Structure and Data Transformation. PloS one, 11(2), e0149270.
Carmona, C.P. de Bello, F., Mason, N. W.H. and Leps, J. 2016. Traits WithoutBorders: Integrating Functional Diversity Across Scales. Trends in Ecology and Evolution,on line early
Mudrák, O., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., & Lepš, J. 2016. Changes in the functional trait composition and diversity of meadow communities induced by Rhinanthus minor L. Folia Geobotanica, on line early
Lewis, R. J., de Bello, F., Bennett, J. A., Fibich, P., Finerty, G. E., Götzenberger, L., Hiiesalu, I.,Kasari, L., Lepš, J., Májeková, M., Mudrák, O., Riibak, K., Ronk, A., Rychtecká, T., Vitová, A., Pärtel, M. 2016. Applying the dark diversity concept to nature conservation. Conservation Biology. On line early
Ronk, A., de Bello, F., Fibich, P., Partel, M. 2016. Large-scale dark diversity estimates: new perspectives with combined methods. Ecology and Evolution 6(17): 6266– 6281.
Gotzenberger, L., Botta-Dukat, Z., Leps, J., Partel, M., Zobel, M., & de Bello, F. 2016. Which randomizations detect convergence anddivergence in trait-based community assembly? A testof commonly used null models. Journal of Vegetation Science, on line early
Carmona, C.P. de Bello, F., Mason, N. W.H. and Leps, J. 2016. The Density Awakens: A Reply to Blonder. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31, 667-668.
Giarrizzo, E., Burrascano, S., Chiti, T., de Bello, F., Lepš, J., Zavattero L., and Blasi C. 2016. Re-visiting historical semi-natural grasslands in the Apennines to assess patterns of changes in species composition and functional traits. Journal of Vegetation Science, DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12288
Lewis, R. J., de Bello, F., Bennett, J. A., Fibich, P., Finerty, G. E., Götzenberger, L., Hiiesalu, I., Kasari, L., Lepš, J., Májeková, M., Mudrák, O., Riibak, K., Ronk, A., Rychtecká, T., Vitová, A., Pärtel, M. 2016. Applying the dark diversity concept to nature conservation. Conservation Biology 31, 1: 40–47.
Mudrák, O., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Lepš, J. 2016. Changes in the functional trait composition and diversity of meadow communities induced by Rhinanthus minor L. Folia Geobotanica 51: 1–11.
Majekova, M., Janecek, S., Mudrak, O., Hornık, J., Janeckova, P., Bartos, M., Fajmon, K., Jiraska, S., Gotzenberger, L., Smilauer, P., Leps, J., de Bello, F. 2016. Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land-use changes across productivity and soil moisture gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 19: 196–205.
Májeková, M., Paal, T., Plowman, N. S., Bryndová, M.m Kasari, L., Norberg, A., Weiss, M., Bishop, T. R., Luke, S. H., Sam, K., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Lepš, J., Götzenberger, L., de Bello, F. 2016. Evaluating Functional Diversity: Missing Trait Data and the Importance of Species Abundance Structure and Data Transformation. PLoS ONE 11(2).
Finerty, G. E., de Bello, F., Bıla, K., Berg, M. P., Dias, A. T. C., Pezzatti, G. B., Moretti, M. 2016. Exotic or not, leaf trait dissimilarity modulates the effect of dominant species on mixed litter decomposition. Journal of Ecology 104: 1400–1409.
Mudrák, O., Janecek, S., Götzenberger, L., Mason, N. W. H., Horník, J., de Castro, I., Doležal, J., Klimešová, J., de Bello, F. 2016. Fine-scale coexistence patterns along a productivity gradient in wet meadows: shifts from trait convergence to divergence. Ecography 39: 338–348.
Kasari, L.,Saar, L., de Bello, F., Takkis, K., Helm, A. 2016. Hybrid ecosystems can contribute to local biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 3023–3041.
de Bello, F., Fibich, P., Zeleny, D., Kopecky, M., Mudrak, O., Chytry, M., Pysek, P., Wild, J., Michalcova, D., Sadlo, J., Smilauer, P., Leps, J., Partel, M. 2016. Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates. Ecology and Evolution 6(12): 4088–4101.
Carlo Ricotta, C., de Bello, F., Moretti, M., Caccianiga, M., Cerabolini, B. E. L., Pavoine, S. 2016. Measuring the functional redundancy of biological communities: a quantitative guide. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1386–1395.
Shipley, B., de Bello, F., Cornelissen, J. H. C., Laliberté, E., Laughlin, D. C., Reich, P. B. 2016. Reinforcing loose foundation stones in trait‑based plant ecology. Oecologia 180: 923–931.
Carmona, C. P., de Bello, F., Mason, N. W. H., Lepš, J. 2016. The Density Awakens: A Reply to Blonder. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31, No. 9: 667-669.
Carmona, C. P., de Bello, F., Mason, N. W. H., Lepš, J. 2016. Traits Without Borders: Integrating Functional Diversity Across Scales. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31, 5: 382-384.
Gotzenberger, L., Botta-Dukat, Z., Leps, J., Partel, M., Zobel, M., de Bello, F. 2016. Which randomizations detect convergence and divergence in trait-based community assembly? A test of commonly used null models. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1275–1287.
Těšitel, J., Fibich, P., de Bello, F., Chytrý, M., Lepš, J. 2015. Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large vegetation-plot database. Preslia 87(2): 87-108.
de Bello, F., Berg, M. P., Dias, A. T. C., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Götzenberger, L., Hortal, J., Ladle, R. J., Lepš, J. 2015. On the need for phylogenetic ‘corrections’ in functional trait-based approaches. Folia Geobot 50: 349–357.
Janeček, Š., Bartušková, A., Bartoš, M., Altman, J., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Latzel,V., Lanta, V., Lepš, J. & Klimešová, J. 2015. Effects of disturbance regime on carbohydrate reserves in meadow plants. AoB Plants, plv123.
Kelemen, A., Lazzaro, L., Besnyői, V., Albert, A-J., Konečná, M., Dobay, G., Memelink, I., Adamec, V., Götzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Lepš, UJ. 2015. Net outcome of competition and facilitation in a wet meadow changes with plant’s life stage and community productivity. - Preslis 87(4):347-361
Lososová, Z., de Bello, F., Chytrý, M., Kühn, I., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Winter, M., Zelený, D. 2015. Alien plants invade more phylogenetically clustered community types and cause even stronger clustering. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 786–794.
Shiono, T.,Kusumoto, B., Maeshiro, R., 1, Fujii, S-J, Gotzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Kubota, Y. 2015. Climatic drivers of trait assembly in woody plants in Japan. Journal of Biogeography 42: 1176–1186.
Dainese, M., Leps, J., de Bello, F. 2015. Different effects of elevation, habitat fragmentation and grazing management on the functional, phylogenetic and taxonomic structure of mountain grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 44–53.
Janecek, S., Bartuskova, A., Bartos, M., Altman, J., de Bello, F., Dolezal, J., Latzel, V., Lanta, V., Leps, J., Klimesova, J. 2015. Effects of disturbance regime on carbohydrate reserves in meadow plants. AoB PLANTS 7.
Debouk, H., de Bello, F., Sebastià, M-T. 2015. Functional Trait Changes, Productivity Shifts and Vegetation Stability in Mountain Grasslands during a Short-Term Warming. PLoSONE10(10).
Těšitel, J., Fibich, P., de Bello, F., Chytrý, M., Lepš, J. 2015. Habitats and ecological niches of root-hemiparasitic plants: an assessment based on a large database of vegetation plots. Preslia 87: 87–108.
Kumordzi, B. B., de Bello, F., Freschet, G. T., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Leps, J., Wardle, D. A. 2015. Linkage of plant trait space to successional age and species richness in boreal forest understorey vegetation. Journal of Ecology 103: 1610–1620.
Pescador, D. S., de Bello, F., Valladares, F., Escudero, A. 2015. Plant Trait Variation along an Altitudinal Gradient in Mediterranean High Mountain Grasslands: Controlling the Species Turnover Effect. PLoS ONE10(3).
Hortal, J., de Bello, F., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Lewinsohn, T. M., Lobo, J. M., Ladle, R. J. 2015. Seven Shortfalls that Beset Large-Scale Knowledge of Biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology, Evololution and Systematics 46: 523-549.
Dainese M., Lepš J. & de Bello F. 2014. Different effects of elevation, habitat fragmentation and grazingmanagement on the functional, phylogenetic and taxonomicstructure of mountain grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics,on lline early
Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., de Bello, F., Vandewalle, M., Leps, J., Sykes, M.T. 2014. Species richness of limestone grasslands increases with trait overlap: evidence from within- and between-species functional diversity partitioning. Journal of Ecology 102: 466–474.
Májeková, M., de Bello, F., Doležal, J. & Lepš, J. 2014. Plant functional traits as determinants of population stability. Ecology, 95:2369–2374.
Májeková, M., de Bello, F., Doležal, J. & Lepš, J. 2014. Plant Functional Traits as Determinants of Population Stability. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 95:446–450. [Photo gallery]
Feld, C. K., de Bello, F., Dolédec, S. 2014. Biodiversity of traits and species both show weak responses to hydromorphological alteration in lowland river macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology 59: 233–248.
Carbonia, M., de Bello, F., Janeček, Š, Doležal, J., Horník, J., Lepš, J., Reitalud, T., Klimešová, J. 2014. Changes in trait divergence and convergence along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182: 96–105.
Homolova, L., Schaepman, M. E., Lamarque, P., Clevers, J. G. P. W., de Bello, F., Thuiller, W., Lavorel, S. 2014. Comparison of remote sensing and plant trait-based modelling to predict ecosystem services in subalpine grasslands. Ecosphere 5 (8): 1-29.
Bıla, K., Moretti, M., de Bello, F., Dias, A. T. C., Pezzatti, G. B., Van Oosten, A. R., P.Berg, M. P. 2014. Disentangling community functional components in a litter-macrodetritivore model system reveals the predominance of the mass ratio hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution 4(4): 408– 416.
Niu, K., Choler, P., de Bello, F., Mirotchnick, N., Du, G., Sun, S. 2014. Fertilization decreases species diversity but increases functional diversity: A three-year experiment in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182: 106–112.
Vandewalle, M., Purschke, O., de Bello, F., Reitalu, T., Prentice, H. C., Lavorel, S., Johansson, L. J., Sykes, M. T. 2014. Functional responses of plant communities to management, landscape and historical factors in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 750–759.
Trivellone, V., Schoenenberger, N., Bellosi, B., Jermini, M., de Bello, F., Mitchell, E. A. D., Moretti, M. 2014. Indicators for taxonomic and functional aspects of biodiversity in the vineyard agroecosystem of Southern Switzerland. Biological Conservation 170: 103–109.
Opik, M., de Bello, F., Price, J. N., Fraser, L. H. 2014. New insights into vegetation patterns and processes. New Phytologist 201: 383–387.
Dvorsky, M., Dolezal, J., Kopecky, M., Chlumska, Z., Janatkova, K., Altman, J., de Bello, F., Rehakova, K. 2013. Testing the Stress-Gradient Hypothesis at the Roof of the World: Effects of the Cushion Plant Thylacospermum caespitosum on Species Assemblages. PLoS ONE 8(1).
de Bello, F., Carmona, C. P., Mason, N. W. H., Sebastia, M.-T. and Leps, J. 2013. Which trait dissimilarity for functional diversity: trait means or trait overlap? Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 807-819.
de Bello, F., Lavorel, S., Lavergne, S., Albert, C. H., Boulangeat, I., Mazel, F. and Thuiller, W. 2013. Hierarchical effects of environmental filters on the functional structure of plant communities: a case study in the French Alps. Ecography 36: 393-402.
de Bello, F., Vandewalle, M., Reitalu, T., Leps, J., Prentice, H. C., Lavorel, S. and Sykes, M. T. 2013. Evidence for scale- and disturbance-dependent trait assembly patterns in dry semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology 101: 1237-1244.
Dias, A. T. C., Berg, M. P., de Bello, F., Van Oosten, A. R., Bila, K. and Moretti, M. 2013. An experimental framework to identify community functional components driving ecosystem processes and services delivery. Journal of Ecology 101: 29-37.
Mason, N. W. H. and de Bello, F. 2013. Functional diversity: a tool for answering challenging ecological questions. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 777-780.
de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Herben, T., Prach, K., Šmilauer, P. 2013. Serious research with great fun: the strange case of Jan Šuspa Lepš (and other plant ecologists). Folia Geobot 48: 297–306.
Lavorel, S., Storkey, J., Bardgett, R. D., de Bello, F., Berg, M. P., Le Roux, X., Moretti, M., Mulder, C., Pakeman, R. J., Dıaz, S., Harrington, R. 2013. A novel framework for linking functional diversity of plants with other trophic levels for the quantificatio nof ecosystem services. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 942–948.
Janecek, S., de Bello, F., Hornık, J., Bartos, M., Cerny, T., Dolezal, J., Dvorsky, M., Fajmon, K., Janeckova, P., Jiraska, S., Mudrak, O., Klimesova, J. 2013. Effects of land-use changes on plant functional and taxonomic diversity along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 898–909.
Hejda, M., de Bello, F. 2013. Impact of plant invasions on functional diversity in the vegetation of Central Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 890–897.
Moretti, M., de Bello, F., Ibanez, S., Fontana, S., Pezzatti, G. B., Dziock, F., Rixen, C., Lavorel, S. 2013. Linking traits between plants and invertebrate herbivores to track functional effects of land-use changes. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 949–962.
de Bello, F., Mudrak, O. 2013. Plant traits as indicators: loss or gain of information? Applied Vegetation Science 16: 353–354.
Gotzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Brathen, K. A., Davison, J., Dubuis, A., Guisan, A., Leps, J., Lindborg, R., Moora, M., Partel, M., Pellissier, L., Pottier, J., Vittoz, P., Zobel, K., Zobel, M. 2012. Ecological assembly rules in plant communities—approaches, patterns and prospects. Biological Reviews 87: 111–127.
Macek, P., Klimeš, L., Adamec, L., Doležal, J., Chlumská, Z., de Bello, F., Dvorský, M., Řeháková, K. 2012. Plant Nutrient Content Does Not Simply Increase with Elevation under the Extreme Environmental Conditions of Ladakh, NW Himalaya. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 44, 1: 62–66.
Kleyer, M., Dray, S., de Bello, F., Lepš, J., Pakeman, R. J., Strauss, B., Thuiller, W., Lavorel, S. 2012. Assessing species and community functional responses to environmental gradients: which multivariate methods? Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 805–821.
de Bello, F., Janeček, Š., Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Macková, J., Lanta, V. & Klimešová, J. 2012. Different plant trait scaling in dry versus wet Central European meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 709–720.
de Bello, F., Price, J.N., Münkemüller, T., Liira, J., Zobel, M., Thuiller, W., Gerhold, P. Götzenberger, L., Lavergne, S., Leps, J., Zobel, K.,Pärtel, M. 2012. Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly. Ecology 93: 2263–2273.
Mason, N. W. H., Richardson, S. J., Peltzer, D. A., de Bello, F., Wardle, D. A., Allen, R. B. 2012. Changes in coexistence mechanisms along a long-term soil chronosequence revealed by functional trait diversity. Journal of Ecology 100: 678–689.
Bouasria, A., Mustafa, T., de Bello, F., Zinger, L., Lemperiere, G., Geremia, R. A., Choler, P. 2012. Changes in root-associated microbial communities are determined by species-specific plant growth responses to stress and disturbance. European Journal of Soil Biology 52: 59-66.
Yoccoz, N. G., Brathen, K. A., Gielly, L., Haile, J., Edwards, M. E., Goslar, T., von Stedingk, H., Brysting, A. K., Coissac, E., Pompanon, F., Sonstebo, J. H., Miquel, C., Valentini, A., de Bello, F., Chave, J., Thuiller, W., Wincker, P. et al. 2012. DNA from soil mirrors plant taxonomic and growth form diversity. Molecular Ecology 21: 3647–3655.
Münkemüller, T., de Bello, F., Meynard, C. N., Gravel, D., Lavergne, S., Mouillot, D., Mouquet, N., Thuiller, W. 2012. From diversity indices to community assembly processes: a test with simulated data. Ecography 35: 468–480.
Albert, C. H., de Bello, F., Boulangeat, I., Pellet, G., Lavorel, S., Thuiller, W. 2012. On the importance of intraspecific variability for the quantification of functional diversity. Oikos 121: 116–126.
Carmona, C. P., Azcarate, F. M., de Bello, F., Ollero, H. S., Leps, J., Peco, B. 2012. Taxonomical and functional diversity turnover in Mediterranean grasslands: interactions between grazing, habitat type and rainfall. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 1084–1093.
de Bello, F. 2012. The quest for trait convergence and divergence in community assembly: are null-models the magic wand? Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 312–317.
Dvorský, M., Doležal, J., de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Klimeš, L. 2011. Vegetation types of East Ladakh: species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 132–147.
Doležal, J., Mašková, Z., Lepš, J.,Steinbachová D., de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Tackenberg, O., Zemek, F., Květ, J. 2011. Positive long-term effect of mulching on species and functional trait diversity in a nutrient-poor mountain meadow in Central Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 145: 10-28.
Mason, N. W.H., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Lepš, J. 2011. Niche overlap reveals the effects of competition, disturbance and contrasting assembly processes in experimental grassland communities. - Journal of Ecology, 99: 788-796.
Lepš, J., de Bello, F., Šmilauer, P. and Doležal, J. 2011. Community trait response to environment: disentangling species turnover vs intraspecific trait variability effects. - Ecography, 34: 856-863
Klimešová J., Doležal J., Dvorský M., de Bello F., Klimeš L. 2011. Clonal Growth Forms in Eastern Ladakh, Western Himalayas: Classification and Habitat Preferences. Folia Geobotanica 46: 191-217.
Lavorel, S., de Bello, F., Grigulis, K., Lepš, J., Garnier, E., Castro, H., Dolezal, J., Godolets, C., Quétier, F., Thébault, A. 2011. Response of herbaceous vegetation functional diversity to land use change across five sites in Europe and Israel Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57, 53-72
Lavorel, S., de Bello, F., Grigulis, K., Lepš, J., Garnier, E., Castro, H., Dolezal, J., Godolets, C., Quétier, F., Thébault, A. 2011. Response of herbaceous vegetation functional diversity to land use change across five sites in Europe and Israel. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 57: 53–72.
De Bello, F., Lavergne, S., Meynard, C.N., Lepš, J., and Thuiller, W. 2010. The partitioning of diversity: showing Theseus a way out of the labyrinth. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21:992-1000.
De Bello, F., Lavorel, S., Albert, C.H., Thuiller, W., Grigulis, K., Dolezal, J. Janeček, S., Lepš, J. 2010. Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00071.x
de Bello, F., Thuiller, W., Lepš, J., Choler, P., Clément, J-C., Macek, P., Sebastia, M.-T., Lavorel, S. 2009. Partitioning of functional diversity reveals the scale and extent of trait convergence and divergence, Journal of Vegetation Science, 20: 475-486.
De Bello, F., Buchmann, N., Casals, P., Lepš, J., Sebastia M.-T. 2009. Relating plant species and functional diversity to community d13C in NE Spain pastures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 131: 303–307.
de Bello, F., Thuiller, W., Lepš, J., Choler, P., Clément, J-C., Macek, P., Sebastia, M.-T., Lavorel, S. 2009. Partitioning of functional diversity reveals the scale and extent of trait convergence and divergence, Journal of Vegetation Science, 20: 475-486.
De Bello, F., Lepš, J., Sebastia, M.T. 2007. Variations in species and functional plant diversity along climatic and grazing gradients. Ecography 29: 801-810.
De Bello, F., Lepš, J., Sebastia, M.T. 2007. Grazing effects on the species-area relationship: Variation along a climatic gradient in NE Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 25-34.
De Bello, F., Lepš, J., Lavorel, S., Moretti, M. 2007. Importance of species abundance for assessment of trait composition: an example based on pollinator communities. Community Ecology 8: 163-170.
Lepš, J., De Bello, F., Lavorel, S., Berman, S. 2006. Quantifying and interpreting functional diversity of natural communities: practical considerations matter. Preslia 78: 481-501.
De Bello, F., Lepš, J., Sebastia, M.T. 2005. Predictive value of plant traits to grazing along a climatic gradient in the Mediterranean. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 824-833.