Publikace zaměstnanců a studentů
Jiří Komárek
Počet záznamů: 138
Rasouli-Dogaheh, S., Komárek, J., Chatchawan, T., & Hauer, T. 2022. Thainema gen. nov. (Leptolyngbyaceae, Synechococcales): A new genus of simple trichal cyanobacteria isolated from a solar saltern environment in Thailand. - PLoS ONE 17(1): e0261682. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261682
Kaštovský, J., Hauer, T. & Komárek, J. 2021. Cyanobacteria on rock surfaces. In: Büdel, B. & Friedl, T.(eds): Life at rock surfaces. DeGruyter, pp. 87-140.
Hauerová, R., Hauer, T., Kaštovský, J., Komárek, J., Lepšová-Skácelová, O. & Mareš, J. 2021. Tenebriella gen. nov. - The dark twin of Oscillatoria. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 165: 107293. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107293
Zapomělová-Kozlíková E., Chatchawan T., Kaštovský J., Komárek J. 2016. Phylogenetic and taxonomic position of the genus Wollea (compared with Anabaena sensu stricto), and description of Wollea salina sp. nova (Cyanobacteria). Fottea 16(1): 43–55
Komárek, J., Kaštovský, J., Mareš, J., Johansen, J.R. 2014. Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014 using a polyphasic approach. Preslia 86(4): 295-235.
Komárek J., Sant´Anna C.L., Bohunická M., Mareš J., Hentschke G.S., Rigonato J. & Fiore M.F. 2013. Phenotype diversity and phylogeny of selected Scytonema-species (Cyanoprokaryota) from SE Brazil. Fottea 13(2): 173-200.
Mareš J., Hauer T., Komárek J. & Compère P. 2013. . Proposal to conserve the name Gloeothece (Cyanophyceae) with a conserved type. - Taxon 62(5): 1056-1056
Santanna, C., Kaštovský, J., Hentschke, G.S.& Komárek, J. 2013. Phenotypic studies on terrestrial stigonematacean Cyanobacteria from the Atlantic Rain Forrest, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. - Phytotaxa 89(1): 1-23
Komárek, J. 2013. Cyanoprokaryota 3: Heterocytous Genera. In: Budel, B., Gartner, G., Krienitz, L, Schagerl, M.: Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Vol. 19/3, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1130 pp. ISBN-13: 9783827409324
Santanna, C., Kaštovský, J., Hentschke, G.S.& Komárek, J. 2013. Phenotypic studies on terrestrial stigonematacean Cyanobacteria from the Atlantic Rain Forrest, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Phytotaxa 89(1): 1-23
Mareš J., Hauer T., Komárek J. & Compère P. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Gloeothece (Cyanophyceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 62(5): 1056-1056
Mareš J., Komárek J., Compère P. & Oren A. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Gloeobacter violaceus against Aphanothece caldariorum, Gloeothece coerulea and Gloeothece linearis (Cyanophyceae).- Taxon 62 (5): 1055-1055
Mareš J., Komárek J., Compère P. & Oren A. 2013. Validation of the generic name Gloeobacter Rippka et al. 1974, Cyanophyceae. -Cryptogamie Algologie 34: 255-262.
Mareš J., Hrouzek P., Kaňa R., Ventura S., Strunecký O. & Komárek J 2013. ). The primitive thylakoid-less cyanobacterium Gloeobacter is a common rock-dwelling organism. PLoS One, 8 (6): e66323 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066323
Komárek J., Sant´Anna C.L., Bohunická M., Mareš J., Hentschke G.S., Rigonato J. & Fiore M.F. 2013. Phenotype diversity and phylogeny of selected Scytonema-species (Cyanoprokaryota) from SE Brazil. - Fottea 13(2): 173-200.
Kopalová, K., Veselá, J., Elster, J., Nedbalová, L., Komárek, J. & Van de Vijver, B. 2012. Benthic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from seepages and streams on James Ross Island (NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica). Plant Ecology and Evolution, 145(2): 1-19.
Engene, N., Rottacker, E., Kaštovský, J., Byrum, T., Choj, H., Ellismann, MH., Komárek J., Gerwick, WH. 2012. Moorea producens gen. nov., sp nov and Moorea bouillonii comb. nov., tropical marine cyanobacteria rich in bioactive secondary metabolites. - IJSEM 62: 1171-1178, DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.033761-0.
Komárek, J. 2012. Nomenclatural changes in heterocytous Cyanoprokaryotes (Cyanobacteria, Cyanophytes). - Fottea 12(1): 141-148
Komárek, J., Nedbalová, L., Hauer, T. 2011. Phylogenetic position and taxonomy of three heterocytous cyanobacteria dominating the littoral of deglaciated lakes, James Ross Island, Antarctica. - Polar Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-1123-x
Komárek, J., Kaštovský, J., Jezberová, J. 2011. Phylogenetic and taxonomic delimitation of the cyanobacterial genus Aphanothece and descriptions of Anathece gen. nov. - European Journal of Phycology 46(3): 315-326.
Sant’Anna CL, Azevedo MTP, Fiore MF, Lorenzini AS, Kaštovský J, Komárek J 2011. Subgeneric diversity of Brasilonema (Cyanobacteria, Scytonemataceae). - Revista Brasileira Botanica 34(1): 51-62.
Kaštovský, J., Hauer, T., Mareš, J., Krautová, M., Bešta, T., Komárek, J., Desortová, B., Heteša, J., Hindáková, A., Houk, V., Janeček, E., Kopp, R., Marvan, P., Pumann, P., Skácelová, O., Zapomělová, E. 2010. A review of the alien and expansive species of freshwater cyanobacteria and algae, a case study from the Czech Republic. - Biological Invasions 12: 3599-3625
Kaštovský, J., Hauer, T., Komárek, J., Skácelová, O. 2010. The list of cyanobacterial species of the Czech Republic to the end of 2009. - Fottea 10(2): 245-249
Sant´anna C.L., Azevedo T.M.P., Kaštovský J. & Komárek J 2010. Two form–genera of aerophytic heterocytous cyanobacteria from Brasilian rainy forest „Mata Atlântica”. - Fottea 10(2): 217-228.
González-Toril, E., Amils, R., Delmas R. J., Petit J.-R. , Komárek J., Elster, J. 2009. Bacterial diversity of autotrophic enriched cultures from remote, glacial Antarctic, Alpine and Andean aerosol, snow and soil samples. Biogeosciences 6: 33-44.
Gonzalez-Toril, E., Amils, R., Delmas, R.J., Petit, J.R., Komárek, J., Elster, J. 2009. Bacterial diversity of autotrophic enriched cultures from remote, glacial Antarctic, Alpine and Andean aerosol, snow and soil samples. Biogeosciences 6: 33-44.
Wacklin, P., Hoffmann, L., Komárek, J. 2009. Nomenclatural validation of the genetically revised cyanobacterial genus Dolichospermum (RALFS ex BORNET et FLAHAULT) comb. nova. Fottea 9: 59-64.
Komárek, J., Kaštovský, J., Ventura, S., Turicchia, S., Šmarda, J. 2009. The cyanobacterial genus Phormidesmis. - Archiv für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies 129 (1): 41-59.
Korelusová J., Kaštovský J. & Komárek J. 2009. Heterogeneity of the cyanobacterial genus Synechocystis and description of a new genus Geminocystis. - Journal of Phycology 45(4) 928-937.
Komárek, J., Elster, J., Komárek, O. 2008. Diversity of the cyanobacterial microflora of the northern part of James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 31: 853-865.
Mareš, J., Kaštovský, J., McGregor, G., Komárek, J. 2008. The little known pseudofilamentous cyanobacterium Wolskyella (Synechococcales). Nowa Hedwigia 87: 221-230.
Margheri, M.C., Ventura, S., Kaštovský, J., Komárek, J. 2008. The taxonomic validation of the cyanobacterial genus Halothece. Phycologia 47: 477-486.
Komárek, J. 2008. The cyanobacterial genus Macrospermum. Fottea 8: 79-86.
Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E. 2008. Planktic morphospecies of the cyanobacterial genus Anabaena = subg. Dolichospermum - 2. part: straight types. Fottea 8: 1-14.
Caisová, L., Husák, Š., Komárek, J. 2008. Nitella mucronata (BR.) MIQUEL (Charophyta) in the Czech Republic. Fottea 8: 105-107.
Komárek, J. 2008. Antarktické vegetační oázy 6. Sinice a řasy. Živa 6: 260-264.
Komárek, J., Hauer, T. 2008. - On-line database of cyanobacterial genera. Word-wide electronic publication, University of South Bohemia & Institute of Botany AS CR,
González-Toril, E., Amils, R., Delmas R.J., Petit J.-R., Komárek J., Elster, J. 2008. Diversity of bacteria producing pigmented colonies in aerosol, snow and soil samples from remote glacial areas (Antarctica, Alps and Andes). Geobioscience Discussions 5: 1607-1630.
Komárek, J., Elster, J. 2008. Ecological background of cyanobacterial assemblages of the northern part of James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polish Polar Research 29: 17-32.
Comte, K., Šabacká, M., Carré-Mlouka, A., Elster, J., Komárek, J. 2007. Relationships between the Arctic and the Antarctic cyanobacteria; three Phormidium-like strains evaluated by a polyphasic approach. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59: 366-376.
Fiore, M.F., Sant'Anna, C.L., Azevedo, M.T.D., Komárek, J., Kaštovský, J., Sulek, J., Lorenzi, A.S. 2007. The cyanobacterial genus Brasilonema, gen. nov., a molecular and phenotypic evaluation'. Journal of Phycology 43: 789-798.
Komárek, J., Komárková-Legnerová, J. 2007. Taxonomic evaluation of the cyanobacterial microflora from alkaline marshes of northern Belize. 1. Phenotypic diversity of coccoid morphotypes. Nowa Hedwigia 84: 65-111.
Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E. 2007. Planktic morphospecies of the cyanobacterial genus Anabaena = subg. Dolichospermum - 1. part: coiled types. Fottea 7: 1-31.
Komárek, J., Nedbalová, L. 2007. Green cryosestic algae. In: Seckbach J. (ed.) Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments, pp. 321-342, Springer, Dordrecht.
Komárek, J. 2007. Phenotype diversity of the cyanobacterial genus Leptolyngbya in maritime Antarctica. Polish Polar Reseaarch 28: 211-231.
Plinski, M., Komárek, J. 2007. Sinice – Cyanobakterie (Cyanoprokaryota). –In: Plinski, M. (ed.) Flora Zatoki Gdanskiej i wod przyleglych (Baltyk Poludniowy) 1, Wydaw. Uniw. Gdanskiego, Gdaňsk, 172 pp.
Sant'Anna, C.L., Azevedo, M.P.T., Branco, L.H.Z., Komárek, J. 2007. New aerophytic morphospecies of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) from Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Hoehnea 34: 95-101.
Komárek, J., Komárková-Legnerová, J. 2007. Several rare freshwater planktic cyanobacteria (Cyanoprokaryotes) from reservoirs in South America. Hoehnea 34: 49-58.
Komárek, J., Taton, A., Sulek, J., Wilmotte, A., Kaštovská, K., Elster, J. 2006. Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of two species of the cyanobacterial genus Schizothrix. Cryptogamie Algologie 27: 53-62.
Branco, L.H.Z., Komárek, J., Azevedo, M.T.D.P., Sant'Anna, C.L., Watanabe, M. 2006. The cyanobacterial genus Cyanoarbor Wang (Chroococcales, Entophysalidaceae) and its occurrence in Brazil. Nowa Hedwigia 82: 365-380.
Willame, R., Boutte, C., Grubisic, S., Wilmotte, A., Komárek, J., Hoffmann, L. 2006. Morphological and molecular characterization of planktonic cyanobacteria from Belgium and Luxembourg. Journal of Phycology 42: 1312-1332.
Komárek, J. 2006. Cyanobacterial taxonomy: current problems and prospects for the integration of traditional and molecular approaches. Algae 21: 349-375.
Branco, L.H.Z., Azevedo, M.P.T., Sant'Anna, C.L., Komárek, J. 2006. New morphospecies of Symplocastrum (Phormidiaceae, Oscillatoriales) from aerophytic habitats in Brazil. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 121: 23-33.
Komárek, J., Joosten, T. 2006. Cyanophytes determination course. RIZA Lelystad (CD).
Komárek, J., Komárková J. 2006. Diversity of Aphanizomenon-like cyanobacteria. Czech Phycology 6: 1-32.
Addico, G., Hardege, J., Komárek, J., Babica, P., De Graft-Johnson, K.A.A. 2006. Cyanobacteria species identified in the Weija and Kpong reservoirs, Ghana, and their implications for drinking water quality with respect to microcystin. African Journal of Marine Science 28: 451-456.
Komárek, J. 2006. The modern clasiffication of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacteria). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 34 (Suppl. 3): 5-17.
Kaštovský, J., Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E. 2006. Pediastrum simplex Meyen 1829. In: Mlíkovský J., Stýblo P. (eds.) Nepůvodní druhy fauny a flóry České Republiky, pp. 16-17, ČSOP, Praha.
Kaštovský, J., Heteša, J., Komárek, J., Marvan, P. 2006. Enteromorpha linza (Linnaeus) Agardh 1883. In: Mlíkovský, J. Stýblo P. (eds.) Nepůvodní druhy fauny a flóry České Republiky, pp. 16, ČSOP, Praha.
Hoffmann, L., Komárek, J., Kaštovský, J. 2005. System of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacteria) - state in 2004. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 117: 95-115.
Hoffmann, L., Kaštovský, J., Komárek, J. 2005. Proposal of cyanobacterial system-2004. In: Büdel, B., Gärtner, G., Krienitz, L & Schagerl, M. (eds.): Süβwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, 19/2
Hrouzek, P., Ventura, S., Lukešová, A., Mugnai, M.A., Turicchia, S., Komárek, J. 2005. Diversity of soil Nostoc strains: phylogenetic and morphological variability. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 117: 251-264.
Rajaniemi, P., Komárek, J., Hrouzek, P., Williame, R., Kaštovská K., Hoffmann, L., Sivonen, K. 2005. Taxonomic consequences from the combined molecular and phenotype evaluation of selected Anabaena and Aphanizomenon strains. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 117: 371-391.
Komárek, J., Golubic, S. 2005. Proposal for unified nomenclatural rules for Cyanobacteria vs. Cyanophytes: Cyano-Guide. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.), Nomenclature of Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria: roundtable on the unification of the nomenclature under the Botanical and Bacteriological Codes. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Stud. 117 (Cyanobacterial Research 6): 17-18.
Komárek, J., Ventura, S., Turicchia, S., Komárková, J., Mascalchi, C., Soldati, E. 2005. Cyanobacterial diversity in alkaline marshes of northern Belize (Central America). - Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 117: 251-264.
Komárek, J., Anagnostidis, K. 2005. Cyanoprokaryota -2. Teil/ 2nd Part: Oscillatoriales. In: Büdel, B., Krienitz, L., Gärtner, G., Schagerl, M. (eds.), Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa 19/2, Elsevier/Spektrum, Heidelberg, 759 pp.
Komárek, J. 2005. Studies on the Cyanophytes (Cyanobacteria, Cyanoprokaryota) of Cuba: (11) Freshwater Anabaena species. Preslia 77: 211-234.
Šejnohová, L., Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E., Puman, P., Maršálek, B., Babica, P. 2005. Interaktivní klíč k určování sinic vodních květů. Centrum pro cyanobakterie a jejich toxiny, CD.
Rajaniemi, P., Hrouzek, P., Kaštovská K. , Williame, R., Rantala, A., Hoffmann, L., Komárek, J., Sivonen, K. 2005. Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of the genera Anabaena. Aphanizomenon, Trichormus and Nostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). International Journal of Systematic and Ecological Microbiology 55: 11-26.
Komárek, J. 2005. Phenotype diversity of the heterocytous cyanoprokaryotic genus Anabaenopsis. Czech Phycology 5: 1-35.
Komárek, J., Cepák, V., Kaštovský, J., Sulek, J. 2004. What are the cyanobacterial genera Cyanothece and Cyanobacterium? Contribution to the combined molecular and phenotype taxonomical evaluation of cyanobacterial diversity. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 113: 1-36.
Ceschi-Berrini, C., DeAppolonia, F., Valle L.D., Komárek, J., Andreoli, C. 2004. Morphological and molecular characterization of a thermophilic cyanobacterium (Oscillatoriales) from Euganean thermal springs (Padua, Italy). Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies 113: 73-85.
Komárek, J., Komárková, J. 2004. Taxonomic review of the cyanoprokaryotic genera Planktothrix and Planktothricoides. Czech Phycology 4: 1-18.
Via-Ordorika, L., Fastner, J., Kurmayer, R., Hisbergues, M., Dittmann, E., Komárek, J 2004. Distribution of microcystin-producing and non-microcystin producing Microcystis sp. in European freshwater bodies: detection of microcystins and microcystin genes in individual colonies. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 27: 592-602.
Mataloni, G., Komárek, J. 2004. Gloeocapsopsis aurea, a new subaerophytic cyanobacterium from maritime Antarctica. Polar Biol. 27(10): 623-628.
Rejmanková E., Komárek J., Komárková J 2004. Cyanobacteria - a neglected component of biodiversity: patterns of species diversity in inland marshes of northern Belize (Central America). Diversity and Distributions 10: 189-199.
Cronberg G., Komárek J. 2004. Some nostocalean cyanoprokaryotes from lentic habitats of Eastern and Southern Africa. Nova Hedwigia 78: 71-106.
Komárek J., Kaštovský J., 2003. Adaptability in diversification processes of cyanobacteria
Komárek J., Komárková J., 2003. Phenotype diversity of the cyanoprokaryotic genus Cylindrospermopsis (Nostocales)
Komárek J., Komárek O., 2003. Diversity of cyanobacteria in seepages of King George Island, maritime Antarctica. In: Huiskes A. et al. (Eds.), Antarctic Biology in a Global Context, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 244-250.
Hindák F., Šmarda J., Komárek J., 2003. Nodularia moravica spec. nova, a new benthic freshwater nostocalean species (Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria/Cyanoprokaryota). Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies 109 (Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 4): 241-253.
Hernández-Mariné M., Komárek J., Lhotský O. (Eds.), 2003. Cyanobacteria/ Cyanophyta. Morphology, Taxonomy, Ecology - Proceedings of the 15th Symp. Internat. Assoc. Cyanophyte Research (IAC), Barcelona (Spain) 2001. Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies 109 ((Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 4), 615 p.
Komárek, J. 2003. Two Camptylonemopsis species (cyanoprokaryotes) from "Mata Atlantica" in coastal Brazil. Preslia 75 (3): 223-232.
Mugnai M.A., Turicchia S., Margheri M.C., Sili C., Gugger M., Tedioli G., Komárek J., Ventura S. 2003. Characterization of the cyanobacterial biocoenosis of a freshwater reservoir in Italy. Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies (Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 4) 109: 403-419.
Komárek J., 2003. Coccoid and Colonial Cyanobacteria.. In: Wehr J.D., Sheath R.G. (Eds.), Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 59-116.
Komárek J., 2003. Planktic oscillatorialean cyanoprokaryotes (short review according to combined phenotype and molecular aspects). Hydrobiologia 502: 367-382.
Komárek J., 2003. Problem of the taxonomic category "species" in cyanobacteria. Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies (Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 4) 109: 281-297.
Komárek J., Kaštovský J., 2003. Coincidences of structural and molecular characters in evolutionary lines of cyanobacteria. Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies 109 (Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 4): 305-325.
Hrouzek P., Šimek M., Komárek J., 2003. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction activity) and diversity of six soil Nostoc strains. Algological Studies 108: 87-101.
Komárek J., Kling H., Komárková J., 2003. Filamentous Cyanobacteria. In: Wehr J., Sheath R.G. (Eds.), Freshwater algae of North America. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 117-196.
Komárek J., Kaštovský J. 2003. Adaptability in diversification process of cyanobacteria: the example of Synechococcus bigranulatus. - Archiv fur Hydrobiologie / Algological Studies, 109: 299-304.
Elster, J., Komárek, O. 2003. Ecology of periphyton in a meltwater stream ecosystem in the maritime Antarctic. Antarctic Science 15 (2): 189-201.
Komárek, J., Komárková, J., Sant'Anna, C.L. Azevedo, M.T., Senna, P.A.C. 2002. Two common Microcystis species (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria) from tropical America, including M. panniformis sp. nov. Cryptogamie/Algologie 23: 159-177.
Komárek, J., 2002. Problems in cyanobacterial taxonomy
Komárek, J., Cronberg G. 2002. Some chroococcalean and oscillatorialean Cyanoprokaryotes from southern African lakes, ponds and pools. Nova Hedwigia 73 (1-2): 129-160.
Komárek, J., Komárková, J. 2002. Contribution to the knowledge of planktic cyanoprokaryotes from central Mexico. Preslia 74: 207-233.
Komárek, J., Komárková J., 2002. Review of the European Microcystis- morphospecies (Cyanoprokaryotes) from nature. Czech Phycology 2: 1-24.
Komárek J., 2001. Review of the cyanoprokaryotic genus Romeria. Czech Phycology : 5-19.
Komárek J., Azevedo S.M.F.O., Domingos P., Komárková J., Tichý M., 2001. Background of the Caruaru tragedy
Komárek O., Komárek J., 2001. Contribution to the taxonomy and ecology of green cryosestic algae in the summer season 1995-96 at King George Island, S. Shetland Islands. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 123: 121-140.
Villeneuve V., Vincent W.F., Komárek J., 2001. Community structure and microhabitat characteristics of cyanobacterial mats in an extreme high Arctic environment: Ward Hunt Lake (lat. 82.8
Kaštovský J. , Komárek J., 2001. Phototrophic microvegetation of thermal springs in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. In: Elster J., Seckbach J., Vincent W., Lhotský O. (Eds.), Algae and Extreme Environments - Ecology and Physiology. Nova Hedvigia, Beiheft 123: 107-119.
Elster, J., Komárek, J., Kubečková, K., Kováčik, L., Lukavský, J., Kašpárková, M., Titlová, V. 2000. Culture collection of algal strain isolated in polar region. Hydrobotany report 1997 – 2000, p. 50, Academy of science of the Czech Republic, Institute of Botany section of Plant Ecology at Třeboň.
Jankovská, V., Komárek, J. 2000. Indicative value of Pediastrum and other coccal green algae in palaeoecology. Folia Geobotanica 35: 59.
Komárek J., Azevedo M.T.P., 2000. Geitlerinema unigranulatum, a common tropical cyanoprokaryote from freshwater reservoirs in Brazil. Archive für Hydrobiologie/ Algological Studies 99 (Papers of Cyanobacterial Research 1): 39-52.
Komárek, J. 1999. Übersicht der planktischen Blaualgen (Cyanobakterien) im Elbe Flussgebiet, 53 pp. IKSE/MKOL, Magdeburg.
Komárek, J. 1999. Přehled planktonních sinic v povodí Labe, 46 pp. IKSE/MKOL, Magdeburg.
Komárek, J. 1999. Diversity of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacteria) of King George Island, maritime Antarctica - a survey. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 94: 181-193.
Komárek, J., Kopecký, J., Cepák, V. 1999. Generic characters of the simplest cyanoprokaryotes Cyanobium, Cyanobacterium and Synechococcus. Cryptogamie/Algologie 20(3): 209-222.
Adamec, L., Komárek, J. 1999. Řasy v pastech bublinatky Utricularia purpurea. Trifid 4(2): 20, 22-23.
Adamec, L., Komárek, J. 1999. Krásnoočka v pastech bublinatek: kořist nebo parasit? Trifid 4(1): 3-5.
Komárek, J. 1999. Intergeneric characters in unicellular cyanobacteria, living in solitary cells. Arch. Hydrobiol./ Algolog. Studies 94: 195-205.
Pérez, M.C., Bonilla, S., deLeón, L., Šmarda, J., Komárek, J. 1999. A bloom of Nodularia baltica/spumigena group (Cyanobacteria) in a shallow coastal lagoon of Uruguay, South America. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 93: 91-101.
Komárek O., Komárek J., 1999. Diversity of freshwater and terrestrial habitats and their oxyphototroph microflora in the Arctowski Station region, South Shetlands Islands. Polish Polar Research 20: 259-282.
Komárek, J., Cepák, V. 1998. Cytomorphological characters supporting the taxonomic validity of Cyanothece (Cyanoprokaryota). Plant Systematics Evolution 210: 25-39.
Economou-Amilli, A., Elster, J., Komárek, J. 1998. Summer phytoplankton composition in transect from Weddel Sea to La Plata. Polish Polar Research 19(3-4): 187-204.
Komárek, J., Watanabe M. 1998. Contribution to the attached cyanoprokaryotes from submersed biotopes in Sagarmatha National Park (Eastern Nepal). Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B 24 (4): 117-135.
Komárek, J. 1998. Validity of the genus Blennothrix KÜTZ. 1843, and its position in the oscillatoriacean cyanoprokaryotes. In: Azevedo, M.T.P. (ed.) Anais IV. Congr. lat.-amer. Ficología, Sao Paulo, vol. I: 341-352.
Komárek, J., Anagnostidis, K. 1998. Cyanoprokaryota 1.Teil: Chroococcales. In: Ettl, H., Gärtner, G., Heynig, H., Mollenhauer, D. (eds.) Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa 19/1, 548 pp. Gustav Fischer, Jena-Stuttgart-Lübeck-Ulm.
Senna, P.A.C., Komárek, J. 1998. Dasygloea brasiliensis n. comb. (syn.: Lyngbya brasiliensis), Cyanoprokaryotes, from the central part ("cerrados") of Brazil. Arch. Hydrobiol./ Algolog. Studies 88: 1-16.
Lukavský, J., Lederer, F., Kubečková, K., Zahrádková, H., Houk, V., Lhotský, O., Švehlová, D., Komárek, J., Marvan, P. 1997. Ökologische Untersuchung und Bewertung von Gewässern mit diffusen und punktförmigen Belastungen durch grenzüberschreitenden Eintrag. In: Bauer, J. (ed.) Auschlussbericht, Bayeri. Landesamt. Wasserwirtsch., 64 pp., Inst. Wasserforsch., München.
Lukavský, J., Lederer, F., Kubečková, K., Zahrádková, H., Houk, V., Lhotský, O., Švehlová, D., Komárek, J., Marvan, P. 1997. Ökologische Untersuchung und Bewertung von Gewässern mit diffusen und punktförmigen Belastungen durch grenzüberschreitenden Eintrag. In: Bauer, J. Auschlussbericht, Bayeri. Landesamt. Wasserwirtsch., 64 pp. Inst. Wasserforsch., München.
Elster, J., Prošek, P., Komárek, J. 1997. Česká věda a polární výzkum. Akad. Bullet. AV ČR 12: 6-7.
Magrin, A.G.E., Senna, P.A.C., Komárek, J. 1997. Arthrospiraskujae, a new planktic tropical cyanoprokaryote. Arch. Protistenk. 148: 479-489.
Elster, J., Svoboda, J., Komárek, J., Marvan, P. 1997. Algal and cyanoprocaryote communities in a glacial stream, Sverdrup Pass, 79oN, Central Ellesmere Island, Canada. Arch. Hydrobiol./ Algolog. Studies 85: 57-93.
Marvan, P., Keršner, V., Komárek, J. 1997. Invazní sinice a řasy. In: Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol. 14: 13-19.
Montejano, G., Gold-Morgan, M., Komárek, J. 1997. Freshwater epiphytic cyanoprokaryotes from central Mexico III. Stichosiphon GEITLER 1932. Arch. Protistenk. 148: 3-16.
Komárek, J., Marvan, P. 1996. Stav ohrožení flory řas ČR. In: Kubát, J. (ed.) Červené knihy rostlin v České republice. Severočes. Přír. suppl. 9: 61-70.
Gold-Morgan, M., Montejano, G., Komárek, J. 1996. Freshwater epiphytic Chamaesiphonaceae from central Mexico. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 83: 257-271.
Tavera, R., Komárek, J. 1996. Cyanoprokaryotes in the volcanic lake of Alchichica, Puebla State, Mexico. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 83: 511-539.
Rejmánková, E., Roberts, D.R., Manguin, S., Pope, K.O., Komárek, J., Post, R.A. 1996. Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) and Cyanobacteria: An Example of Larval Habitats Selection. Population Ecology 25(5): 1058-1067.
Komárek, J. 1996. Towards a combined approach for thetaxonomy and species delimitation of picoplanktic cyanoprokaryotes. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 83: 377-401.
Komárek, J. 1996. Klíč k určování vodních květů sinic v České republice. In: Maršálek, B., Keršner, V., Marvan, P. (eds.) Vodní květy sinic, pp. 22-85, Brno.
Komárek, J., Montejano, G., Gold-Morgan, M., Tavera, R. 1996. Taxonomic identity and distribution of tropical cyanoprokaryotes (Cyanophyta, Cyanobacteria): An example from central Mexico. Nova Hedwigia 112: 49-54.
Komárek, O., Komárek, J. 1996. Some preliminary results of Czech/Polish phycological activities at Henryk Arctowski station, King George Island, South Shetlands in Australian summer 1995/1996. In: Olech, M. (ed.) Antarct. Res. in Coastal and Terrestr. Areas. p. 10, Inst. Bot. Jagell. Univ., Cracow.
Jankovská, V., Komárek, J. 1995. Pediastrum orientale from subfossil layers. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 30: 319-329.
Komárek, J., Anagnostidis, K. 1995. Nomenclatural novelties in chroococcalean cyanoprokaryotes. Preslia 67: 15-23.
Komárek, J. 1995. Studies on the Cyanophytes (Cyanoprokaryotes) of Cuba 10. New and little known Chroococcalean species. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 30: 81-90.