Publikace zaměstnanců a studentů
Jiří Košnar
Počet záznamů: 35
Koutecký, P., Prančl, J., Košnar, J., Koutecká, E., Hanzlíčková, J., Lučanová, M., Nejedlá, M., Kaplan Z. 2022. Waking up from a taxonomist’s nightmare: emerging structure of Ranunculus section Batrachium (Ranunculaceae) in central Europe based on molecular data and genome sizes. - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 198(4): 417–437
Hornych, O., Černochová, L., Košnar, J. & Ekrt, L. 2022. Biotic interactions between the gametophytes of wall rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria) and other fern species. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 183(1): 10–17.
Ekrt, L., Košnar, J., Rothfels, C.J., Hanušová, K.,Hornych, O., Urfus, T. 2022. Cytogenetic, geographical, spore type and plastid haplotype data reveal cryptic patterns of species diversity in the cosmopolitan Cystopteris fragilis complex (Polypodiopsida: Cystopteridaceae). – Botanical Journal of Linnean Society 199: 728–739.
Hornych, O., Férová, A., Hori, K., Košnar, J. & Ekrt, L. 2022. Apomictic fern fathers: An experimental approach to the reproductive characteristics of sexual, apomict and hybrid fern gametophytes. – American Journal of Botany 109(4): 628–644.
Tammaru, K., Košnar, J., Abbas, A.F., Barta, K.A., de Bello, F., Harrison, S., Degli, E.I., Kiss, R., Lukács, K., Neumann, S.M., Wagia, H., Puy, J., Lepš, J. 2021. Ecological differentiation of Carex species coexisting in a wet meadow: Comparison of pot and field experiments. Acta Oecologia, 110: 103692.
Ekrt, L., Podroužek, J., Hornych, O., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P. 2021. Cytotypes of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) in Europe: widespread diploids and scattered triploids of likely multiple origin. - Flora 274: 151725
Šmilauer, P., Košnar, J., Kotilínek, M., Šmilauerová, M. 2020. Contrasting effects of host identity, plant community, and local species pool on the composition and colonization levels of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community in a temperate grassland. New Phytologist 225, 1: 461-473
Kotilínek, M., Těšitelová, T., Košnar, J., Fibich, P., Hemrová, L., Koutecký, P., Münzbergová, Z., Jersáková, J. 2020. Seed dispersal and realized gene flow of two forest orchids in a fragmented landscape. Plant Biol 22: 522-532
Manukjanová, A., Košnar, J., Kučera, J. 2020. Genetic variation in two cryptic species of the rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus in the Czech Republic. Preslia 92: 57–72.
Hanušová, K., Čertner, M., Urfus, T., Koutecký, P., Košnar, J., Rothfels, C. J., Jarolímová, V., Ptáček, J., & Ekrt, L. 2019. Widespread co-occurrence of multiple ploidy levels in fragile ferns (Cystopteris fragilis complex; Cystopteridaceae) likely stems from similar ecology of cytotypes, their efficient dispersal and inter-ploidy hybridization. – Annals of Botany 123: 845–855.
Hornych, O., Ekrt, L., Riedel, F., Koutecký, P., Košnar, J. 2019. Asymmetric hybridization in the Central European populations of the Dryopteris carthusiana group. – American Journal of Botany 106(11): 1477–1486.
Manukjanová, A., Košnar, J., Kučera, J. 2018. Microsatellite primers for the cryptic species of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus and methods for their quick barcoding. Journal of Bryology 40(3): 302-305
Kotilínek, M., Hiiesalu, I., Košnar, J., Šmilauerová, M., Šmilauer, P., Altman, J., Dvorsky, M., Kopecký, M., Doležal, J. 2017. Fungal root symbionts of high-altitude vascular plants in the Himalaya. Scientific Reports 7: 6562
Pinto-Carrasco, D., Košnar, J., López-Gonzáles, N., Koutecký, P., Těšitel, J., Rico, E., Martínez-Ortega, M. 2016. Development of 14 microsatellite markers in Odontites vernus s.l. (Orobanchaceae) and cross-amplification in related taxa. - Applications in Plant Sciences, 4(3): 1500111
Kúr, P., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P., Tremetsberger, K., Štech, M. 2016. Origin of Spergularia ×kurkae, a hybrid between the rare endemic S. echinosperma and its widespread congener S. rubra. - Preslia 88: 391–407.
Svobodová, Š., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P., Štech M. 2016. Microsatellite analysis of four similar Euphrasia (Orobanchaceae) species changes the traditional view of this group. - Plant Ecology and Evolution 149: 45–58
Těšitelová, T., Kotilínek, M., Jersáková, J., Joly, F.-X., Košnar, J., Tatarenko, I., Selosse, M.-A. 2015. Two widespread green Neottia species (Orchidaceae) show mycorrhizal preference for Sebacinales in various habitats and ontogenetic stages. Molecular Ecology, 24: 1122–1134.
Holá, E., Košnar, J., Kučera, J. 2015. Comparison of Genetic Structure of Epixylic Liverwort Crossocalyx hellerianus between Central European and Fennoscandian Populations. - PLoS ONE 10(7): e0133134. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133134
Kučera, J., Bradáčová, J., Holá, E., Jandová, J., Košnar, J., Kubešová, S., Kyselá, M., Laburdová, J., Manukjanová, A., Tkáčiková, J. & Štechová, T. 2015. Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu terénních bryologických kurzů Jihočeské Univerzity na Šumavě v roce 2014. – Bryonora 56: 88-104.
Kučera, J., Hradílek, H., Holá, E., Košnar, J., Kubešová, S., Manukjanová, A., Marková, I., Mikulášková, E., Uhereková Šmelková, D. & Vicherová, E. 2015. Mechorosty zaznamenané během exkurzí Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Podyjí (duben 2011). – Thayensia (Znojmo) 12: 49–64.
Kúr, P., Košnar, J., Štech, M. 2014. Characterization and cross-species amplification of 16 microsatellite loci in Spergularia echinosperma (Caryophyllales: Caryophyllaceae). - Conservation Genetics Resources, 10.1007/s12686-014-0141-8
Klimešová J., Doležal J., Prach K., Košnar J. 2013. Clonal growth forms in Arctic plants and their habitat preferences: a study from Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33: 421-442.
Kučera, J., Košnar, J., Werner, O. 2013. Partial generic revision of Barbula (Musci: Pottiaceae): Re-establishment of Hydrogonium and Streblotrichum, and the new genus Gymnobarbula. Taxon 62(1): 21-39.
Košnar, J., Štech, M., Koutecký, P. 2012. Environmental control of clonal growth in Carex nigra: What can be masked under the name Carex nigra subsp.juncella in the Czech Republic?. - Flora 207: 294-302 (DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2011.12.001)
Košnar J., Herbstová M., Kolář F., Koutecký P., Kučera J. 2012. A case study of intragenomic ITS variation in bryophytes: Assessment of gene flow and role of polyploidy in the origin of European taxa of the Tortula muralis (Musci: Pottiaceae) complex. Taxon 61(4):709-720
Ekrtová, E., Košnar J. 2012. Habitat-related variation in seedling recruitment of Gentiana pannonica. - Acta Oecologica 45: 88-97.
Koutecký, P., Tuleu, G., Baďurová, T., Košnar, J., Štech, M., Těšitel, J. 2012. Distribution of cytotypes and seasonal variation in the Odontites vernus group in central Europe . – Preslia 84: 887–904.
Koutecký, P., Baďurová T., Štech M., Košnar J., Karásek J. 2011. Hybridization between diploid Centaurea pseudophrygia and tetraploid C. jacea (Asteraceae): the role of mixed pollination, unreduced gametes, and mentor effects. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 93-106.
Košnar, J., Košnar, J., Herbstová, M., Macek, P., Rejmánková, E., Štech, M. 2010. Natural hybridization in tropical spikerushes of Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa (Cyperaceae): Evidence from morphology and DNA markers. American Journal of Botany 97: 1229-1240. (doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000029)
Košnar, J., Kučera, J. 2010. The taxonomic identity and typification of Barbula montenegrina Breidl. & Szyszyl. (Bryopsida, Pottiaceae). - Journal of Bryology 32(4): 275-278.
Košnar, J., Kolář, F. 2009. A taxonomic study of selected European taxa of the Tortula muralis (Pottiaceae, Musci) complex: variation in morphology and ploidy level. Preslia 81: 399–421.
Prach K., Košnar J., Klimešová J., Hais M. 2009. High Arctic vegetation after 70 years: a repeated analysis from Svalbard. - Polar Biol., doi 10.1007/s00300-009-0739-6
Kučera, J., Zmrhalová, M., Shaw, B., Košnar, J., Plášek, V., Váňa, J. 2009. Bryoflora of selected localities of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts summit regions. – Časopis Slezského Muzea (A) 58: 115-167.
Ekrtová, E., Ekrt, L., Košnar, J., Zapomělová, E., Čejková, A. 2008. Míčovka kulkonosná (Pilularia globulifera) znovu objevena v České republice [Pilularia globulifera rediscovered in the Czech Republic]. – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 43(2): 193–208.
Kučera, J., Zmrhalová, M., Buryová, B., Košnar, J., Plášek, V., Váňa J. 2004. Bryoflora of the glacial cirques of the Western Krkonoše Mts. Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea, Ser. A, 53: 1-47.